A word association exercise at the start of Vivid’s re-branding process introduced dreams, colour and imagination into our narrative. Recognising that producing remarkable solutions often requires bravery from both agency and client a new manifesto was born. Be Brave. Be Colourful. Be Vivid. The strap-line Imagination was added to the main wordmark with reversed characters reflecting a different approach whilst the middle V of Vivid forms a frame that projects a wide variety of creative output.
- Work done whilst Creative Director at Vivid Imagination -

A selection of pictures in brightly coloured frames from the Who We Are page of our website represent the pillars of the Vivid approach. Imagination, creativity, messaging, adapting to the situation and thinking differently.

Solving the problem of visitors ringing the wrong doorbell without using words.

Strict rules discourage overt branding on the outside of the historic Vivid offices so we had to adopt a subtle approach to getting our message across. Hidden in plain sight for those paying attention.